Judith Claire Counseling and Coaching
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Love And Relationship Counseling And Coaching For Singles

We're born with capability for great love and so it's natural to want to find the partner with whom we can share it. That drive for fulfillment is powerful. When we achieve it, our lives are immeasurably enhanced. But, most of us don't get it right the first time. With disappointments and broken hearts littering our past, we can come to believe that we won't be able to have that lasting love. That's not true. We can.

Single clients who take the time and do the work succeed. Not by luck, or by any formula or trick, but by transforming him or herself into the person capable of creating a great relationship. That can mean healing old wounds, clearing away fixed ideas, clarifying your own needs and communicating them better, discerning who is relationship material and who isn't, understanding gender differences and learning new ways and new tools to build strong connections with a partner.

Why My Single Or Divorced Clients Come To Me

I've helped many singles find the love of their lives by solving problems, including:

  • Don't think you're good enough for a good relationship
  • Can't say what you need
  • Intimacy issues
  • Can't commit
  • Boundary issues
  • Baggage or fixed ideas that sabotage relationships
  • Bad experiences in relationships
  • Bad marriages
  • No good relationship role models
  • Broken hearts
  • Pick the wrong mates
  • Pick toxic mates
  • Can't let a bad relationship go
  • Can't sustain a relationship
  • Don't understand the opposite sex or what he or she needs
  • If gay or lesbian, don't understand the masculine or feminine characteristics or needs of your partner

How I Work

Once I assess what's going on, I can see where you're blocked, what you misunderstand, where you lack information or education and what you need to be coached on. Then we make a customized plan to address those areas in the order that will bring the best results. It's a process and an education that will give you the confidence, courage and know-how to make this most profound .

If this sounds too good to be true, don't worry. You will have to do the work to make it happen. When true love happens, you will know you earned it.

, Los Angeles Personal, Career and Relationship Counseling And Coaching


2901 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 201, Santa Monica, California 90405

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