Judith Claire Counseling and Coaching
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Creative Business Counseling and Coaching

My business "creative thinkers" are an independent lot. They have their own unique visions and derive great pleasure from making them into realities and creating their special brand of success. Not that it isn't challenging. It is. But they have the kind of personality and stubborn persistence that keeps them working to express themselves, no matter what. Thank goodness. This spirit of invention keeps our world advancing - and fun.

Creative thinkers approach "normal" challenges in their own way. As a personal, and business counselor and coach, I deal with two personality types - ones that like to work as part of a team within a company structure and those who have to "do their own thing."

My business clients consist of:

  • Business Professionals and Executives
  • Entrepreneurs and the Self-Employed

, Los Angeles Personal, Career and Relationship Counseling And Coaching

2901 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 201, Santa Monica, California 90405


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